Emergency Call: Invitation to fight in unity with Gorillas workers!

28.10.2021, Lesezeit 2 Min.
Foto: Tabea Krug

In the following we want to publish the emergency call of the Gorillas Workers Collective. The attacks of the management against the workers have intensified in the last few weeks. Now the collective is calling for a meeting to unite all workers and supporting organizations to build a big united campaign against the company's attacks.

Dear friends and comrades,

We, Gorillas Workers Collective, invite you to a meeting at Mahalle this Sunday (for details, see below) to discuss about a joint campaign against the attacks from Gorillas on the organized workers and against the postfascist strike rights in Germany forbidding wildcat and political strikes.

We are under attack by the company and the law itself on many levels, from mass terminations to the disruption of the process to build a workers‘ council and the daily discomfort at the workplace due to poor working conditions, for which we were on strike and some of us got fired.

We urgently need to take action to create a public discourse around the topics to put more pressure on the labor court where we will be having a series of courtcases from Nov 1 onwards.

In order to build alliances on the matter and grow bigger from there on to an extent where we are altogether taking action against exploitation of migrant labour and the from-Nazis-inhereted laws on self-organisation of workers, we would love to gather and work together and contribute to building a life shaped by justice and equality.

Place: Waldemarstr. 110, 10997

Time and Date: 14.00, Oct. 31, this Sunday

In solidarity,
Gorillas Workers Collective

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